Belize 2019 – February 25
Today we started a little later than usual but we hit the ground running! This morning we distributed invitations to the Gospel meeting at Western Paradise Bible Chapel as well as John 3:16 texts with a great gospel message on the reverse side in the neighbourhood surrounding the assembly. There were 11 of us involved […]
Belize 2019 – February 22
At the halfway point, the team has gelled well together and has developed some rhythm – mostly early starts and late nights. Today the first venue was Grace Primary School in Belize City. The team presented to about 120 students. Don shared his testimony and Emily told the story of King David and Mephibosheth. The […]
April 3 – Ghana 2018
Tuesday April 3 2018 Today began our first of many school visits. The team worked together to share the gospel with junior high and primary students using a variety of different methods. We opened by singing a Twi song for the children and then moved into some illustrations and a puppet skit before sharing a […]
April 2 – Ghana 2018
Monday April 2 2018 The morning began with some team members taking the opportunity to practice simple ways to communicate the Gospel, including using a paint board or other visuals methods. A “dress rehearsal” followed for the programs we will be putting on in the schools beginning tomorrow. The program is comprised of a variety […]