November 5 – Belize 2017

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This Lord’s Day the team enjoyed fellowship with the saints and the remembrance of our Lord in three different assemblies. Bruce and John went to Grace Bible Chapel where Bruce preached a gospel message entitled “Somebody Took Your Place”.

Tim fellowshipped with the believers at the Open Door, a large vibrant assembly, with over 200 present. They were very receptive to his ministry which asked the question: Do we value our inheritance?

The rest of the team fellowshipped at Western Paradise Bible Chapel. Michael taught Sunday School and told the children the story of Roger Woodward, who was in a boating accident and ended up going over Niagara Falls when he was seven years old. By the grace of God he survived the fall and, because of this incident, would go on to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour later in life. We ask that you pray for Roseanna, a 13 year old who comes from a very staunch Catholic family. She came out to Sunday School for the second time today and heard the good news of salvation in the Lord Jesus. Keith preached the gospel at Western Paradise. His message was about God’s love and wrath, and how they are reconciled in the message of the gospel.

The evening gospel meeting was at Berea Bible Chapel. Michael preached the gospel from Romans chapter 5. Beginning with God’s holy wrath on unrighteousness, he ended with God demonstrating His love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Then John gave his testimony which was centred on Psalm 139:9-10 – “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me.”

We would covet your prayers, for the seed already sown in hearts, and for tomorrow as we have a very early start in a school that is north of Belize City. Please pray that the Lord would open hearts, both at the school and later in the afternoon as we would preach the gospel in the open air.

-Bruce for the team

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