Ireland 2019 – July 5
Today we started our last day with Shankill summer project once again with the leader devotion time. Kevin spoke on 1 Kings 18, talking about how the power of God can boldly be proclaimed even in seemingly insignificant work. The goal is trying to be led of the Lord as Elijah was (v 1). Obedience […]
Ireland 2019 – July 4
We joined the leader meeting once again this morning for a devotion and time of prayer. Today Caleb gave us an encouraging message on 1 Kings 19. God not only had a plan for Elijah, but He also provided everything he needed. Coming away from the spiritual high on Mount Carmel, Elijah felt like a […]
Belize 2019 – February 24
The Lord’s Day was full of ministry by the eTeam among the saints of Belize. Don went to Western Paradise Bible Chapel while Wayne to Berea Bible Chapel. At Grace Chapel Emily taught Sunday school and Vera led the singing and games. Everyone enjoyed the crafts. Jeff spoke on Biblical eldership and Wayne preached the gospel. […]
Belize 2019 – February 19
The team distributed invitations to the regular meetings at Western Paradise Bible Chapel within the community of Western Paradise this morning. Along with the invitations we gave out tracks with John 3:16 on one side and a Gospel message using John 3:16 on the reverse side. Many of the team members were able to engage […]
Belize 2019 – February 18
Monday we had a change of plans! We had planned an excursion for the morning that had to be cancelled because the battery was stolen out of our van, but it was just as well as three team members came down with travellers stomach flu. Wayne and Don went on a search for medicine. While in the […]
Ireland 2018 – May 21 2018
Today we had our first day of action! We started off our day with breakfast at the Johnsons house; they have been such an awesome host family. At 8:45 we left for Waterford Christian Assembly where we had a team devotion led by David Wilson. Each day this week the team will meet with David […]