Our time here in Ireland is almost over! We started today with another devotion with Ron Hampton on Acts 9. One of our team members, Lisa, hasn’t been feeling well so she stayed at Glenmaris today to rest. The remainder of the team plus local mission worker Heidi travelled to Dublin city centre to do more open air evangelism with Mickey Walker. We headed in on the DART, handing out tracts and having some conversations. Today we met quite a few born again Christians, with one lady encouraging us in the work we’re doing here. We met Mickey at Immanuel Church Missions and were joined today by only a few others. Tim, Lucien and Mickey all preached once at the sketchboard. One lad listening intently to Mickey’s message walked away to answer his cellphone. Lucien went after him to give him one of Mickey’s tracts and they ended up having a lengthy conversation. As it started to rain we decided as a group to preach one more message, on Noah and the flood, a message Mickey will quite often use if it is raining. There wasn’t much interest and the rain wasn’t letting up so we packed up and headed back to Immanuel Church Mission, where we said good bye to Mickey. Then we stopped at Carroll’s again for souvenirs. After we headed back to Shankill later than expected, and were right on time (Irish time, that is) for a delicious supper at Frank and Grace Carolan’s. The team enjoyed food and fellowship with Ron and Robin and Frank and Grace.
Please pray for the literature handed out and the conversations we had today in Dublin city centre. It is our sincere hope that all who heard the good news would come to know Jesus as their personal Saviour. As well, please pray for Lisa, that she would be feeling better, especially for her flight home Sunday and going back to work Monday.
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