Ireland 2019 – July 5
Today we started our last day with Shankill summer project once again with the leader devotion time. Kevin spoke on 1 Kings 18, talking about how the power of God can boldly be proclaimed even in seemingly insignificant work. The goal is trying to be led of the Lord as Elijah was (v 1). Obedience […]
Ireland 2019 – July 4
We joined the leader meeting once again this morning for a devotion and time of prayer. Today Caleb gave us an encouraging message on 1 Kings 19. God not only had a plan for Elijah, but He also provided everything he needed. Coming away from the spiritual high on Mount Carmel, Elijah felt like a […]
Ireland 2019 – July 2
We started the morning off as a team with breakfast, and Kevin reminded us that sharing the gospel with the kids was not just for Bible Time, but even when we were playing games, having lunch, doing a craft etc. He encouraged us to pray for and take advantage of the opportunities when we could […]