Belize 2019 – February 25
Today we started a little later than usual but we hit the ground running! This morning we distributed invitations to the Gospel meeting at Western Paradise Bible Chapel as well as John 3:16 texts with a great gospel message on the reverse side in the neighbourhood surrounding the assembly. There were 11 of us involved […]
Belize 2019 – February 24
The Lord’s Day was full of ministry by the eTeam among the saints of Belize. Don went to Western Paradise Bible Chapel while Wayne to Berea Bible Chapel. At Grace Chapel Emily taught Sunday school and Vera led the singing and games. Everyone enjoyed the crafts. Jeff spoke on Biblical eldership and Wayne preached the gospel. […]
Belize 2019 – February 19
The team distributed invitations to the regular meetings at Western Paradise Bible Chapel within the community of Western Paradise this morning. Along with the invitations we gave out tracks with John 3:16 on one side and a Gospel message using John 3:16 on the reverse side. Many of the team members were able to engage […]