18-Day Team: May 20th to June 7th
eTeams Ireland is a short-term missions opportunity to witness and work for the Lord in the Republic of Ireland. It is an authentic cross-cultural missions opportunity that doesn’t involve having to learn another language to be effective. After cultural orientation and evangelism training the team is involved in a concentrated program of evangelism and ministering to Irish believers and assemblies.
The Purpose
The ultimate purpose for the team member’s involvement is that the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in them and through them. This should be achieved in the following ways:
Team members will grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through:
- trusting in Him to provide for all their needs
- the discipling and daily team Bible study
- living and working closely with other team members and national Irish believers
Team members will be used of the Lord to build up Irish assemblies through:
- fellowshipping with Irish believers and encouraging them in their own walk and witness
- participating in the host assemblies with singing, testimonies, and Bible teaching
- presenting the Gospel that Irish people might be saved, baptized and added to Irish assemblies
Team members will become a more effective witness for Christ through:
- being taught the message of the Gospel
- being trained in various methods of evangelism
- gaining experience by actively participating in direct evangelism using these various methods
These Short Term Missions have produced Long Term Results for the work and witness in Ireland and in team members’ lives and the lives of their home assemblies when they return.
The Program
Missionary Orientation and Training
Team members arrive in Dublin, Ireland on Friday, May 20 that the latest. The team will then spend time in cross-cultural missionary orientation and evangelism training which will include sessions on:
- Irish culture, history and geography
- Roman Catholicism and being a helpful witness to Irish Catholics who still are the majority
- the Gospel and various methods of evangelism
* A team member can arrive earlier than the 20th after contacting us, or also the on Saturday, May 21st and still get in on important O&T.
Evangelism and Discipleship
Following orientation & training, an intensive program of evangelism and discipleship will begin. Sundays will be spent involved with the host assembly. Mondays to Saturdays the team will start each day with personal quiet time, a team Bible study and prayer time followed by evangelism. The methods of evangelism will likely include door to door, literature, open air, children’s, and personal evangelism. Most evenings will be spent ministering to local assemblies by speaking and singing, getting involved in mid-week Bible studies in Irish homes and/or more evangelism. There will also be time each week for personal team activities i.e. laundry, house cleaning, sightseeing.
Team Touring & Sight-Seeing
There will be times scheduled to visit and tour various places of interest throughout scenic Ireland.
Departure Date
It will be time to pack-up and leave Dublin saying farewell to fellow-team members and new Irish friends and thanking the Lord for the great things He has done in Ireland.
* If you are interested in staying for extra days and ministry, please contact us.
How Much Will It Cost?
Each team member is responsible for raising sufficient funds to cover their share of the team costs. This amount will cover all aspects of the team program including the orientation & training, accommodation, meals, team transportation, sight-seeing, ministry and gospel materials, as well as fellowship gifts to local workers & missionaries involved with the team. In addition, the team member needs to raise sufficient funds to cover their airfare.
Team Cost: $995 US or $1195 CAN
The cost per person does not include travel costs to and from Dublin, Ireland and personal expenses such as: health insurance, personal sight-seeing and transportation, souvenirs, gifts, personal items i.e. toiletries, clothes, stationary and postage, etc.
Payment information is different for Canadian and USA residents. Please contact Ron Hampton for specific instructions.
Ron can also help you with advice and the booking of your airfare.
Is This For Me?
It is if you are 18 or older (even much older); in good health and able to keep up to the strenuous program of discipleship and evangelism; able to live at close quarters with others and esteem others more than yourself; willing to take the place of a servant and a learner and accept leadership; someone whom your elders will recommend for this short-term missionary work.
It is if you want to experience God working in and through your life. You will be exposed to a mission field that qualifies in every sense of the word yet one where you can communicate the Gospel in your own language. You can be useful and effective even in the short-term.
It is if you want to meet, live and work in fellowship with other Christians from around the world and to enjoy the experience of trusting God together; to experience the encouragement and support of a team; to have friendships formed and cemented that will last for eternity.
It is if you are willing to respond to Christ’s call to go into all the world with the Gospel and to give up those things necessary to share His love and His salvation with Irish people today.
What Now?
After prayerfully reading and considering this information if you believe the Lord would have you get involved with eTeams, share this vision with your local church elders.
The pattern for the sending missionaries that we have in Acts 13:1-4a is a good one because as you will see in verse 4a, the Holy Spirit personally is identified with the process. It starts with the individual believing this is something the Lord might have them do; continues with them sharing this with their local church leadership desiring their counsel and prayer; that leadership confirming it in response to the Holy Spirit’s direction; and concludes with the leadership and local assembly identifying with the individual and their mission by becoming partners in the gospel.
REMEMBER: your elders and church leaders want to see you succeed spiritually.
You will need the prayerful support of your elders and home assembly if you are going to be the most effective missionary you can be. If they agree with your desire to be involved with this short-term missionary experience, complete the application form online or download it and return it to us. We will then process your application as quickly as possible.
* The application fee is $50. This should be sent to the address below. Once your application is accepted you will receive an extensive pre-arrival orientation packet including the eTeams manual, books and other important preparation materials by mail.
Once your application has been accepted, pre-arrival orientation materials and information will be sent to you that will help you prepare to serve the Lord in Belize. Mail your completed application to:
Ron Hampton
eTeams Ireland
212 Roberta Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R2K 0K3
You can pay the application fee online at https://msccanada.org/donee/eteams/
In checkout, in the Order Notes section, put the intended recipient (yourself probably) so we can apply the funds to the right person.
If paying your application fee online, you can print off your application, complete it, scan it then send it to [email protected]. If you have further questions, please contact team leader Ron Hampton at the email address above or phone (204) 669-6026.
London Tour
If there is sufficient interest some years we organize an optional 2-day/1-night tour of London, England. If interested, contact Ron for details.
eTeams eXtended
Are you available for a longer time? If you have the extra time and the airfare is already being purchased, why not stay on in Ireland after the eTeams program is finished. Contact Ron for details.
Apply Online Download General Information PDF Download Application PDF