Tuesday May 30 we started out in the morning with David’s devotion on Romans chapter 3 about being justified, which means that God declares us righteous, and it is only through faith in His son. We prayed for a better day and decided to begin by staying together and passing out magazines around town. God answered our prayers and we felt much more peace and had more energy than the previous day. Since Chris was leaving early the next morning, we took a longer break after lunch to allow him to pack. It started raining, so our plans of going into the town centre were called off. However, we decided to go down to the pier in Tremor for about 40 minutes to see if there was anyone to talk to, half thinking that if we didn’t talk with anyone we could at least enjoy the seafront and decompress after the week. We went along the beach in groups of two and three with tracts to hand out as conversation starters. When it was almost time to leave, everybody had not had any good conversations with anyone and were ready to give up. Then as we were leaving, Heidi and Luke decided to pass out a few tracts on the way back to the car without expecting much. The first two people we gave them to wanted to know more and were very interested in what we had to say. The whole team, including David Wilson, ended up speaking with them for about an hour and a half! We invited them to the Bible study that evening and they decided to come and see what it was all about. They heard a clear gospel message several times from us and at the Bible study, and said that this evening changed their lives. It was so amazing to see how the Lord worked, even when we were tired and ready to quit. Please be praying for these two men!
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