May 31 – Ireland 2017
Wednesday May 31 we said goodbye to Chris as he headed home early in the morning. The remaining team travelled from Waterford to Dublin, stopping at Kilkenny castle and the ancient monastery of Glendalough on the way. We enjoyed God’s workmanship as we drove through the Wicklow mountains near Dublin. When we arrived in Dublin […]
May 30 – Ireland 2017
Tuesday May 30 we started out in the morning with David’s devotion on Romans chapter 3 about being justified, which means that God declares us righteous, and it is only through faith in His son. We prayed for a better day and decided to begin by staying together and passing out magazines around town. God […]
May 29 – Ireland 2017
Monday May 29 we helped David Wilson by distributing literature in large estates around Waterford. To cover more ground we split up as we distributed magazines to homes in several estates. It ended up being a really tough day for all of us, leaving us feeling stressed or exhausted. Some of it had to do […]
May 26, 27 and 28 – Ireland 2017
Friday May 26 the team travelled to Waterford where they will work with local missionaries David and Beth Wilson. On the way they stopped to sight-see at the Cliffs of Moher and Bunratty Castle. Upon arrival the team met with David and his daughter Rachel for dinner. After dinner the team labelled more magazines for […]
May 24 and 25 – Ireland 2017
Wednesday May 24 we had morning devotions on Ezekiel’s calling and mission led by Chris. In the morning we delivered magazines in Newcastle West and had conversations throughout town. After lunch the team broke into two groups: Heidi, Chris, and Debbie went back into town to continue delivering magazines, while Colin, Luke and Sarah went […]
4 Magazine – Ireland 2017
4 is written and published by the Irish for the Irish. 25,000 4 magazines will be distributed throughout Ireland over the next several weeks. As the Lord has provided for the eTeams ministry, we are able to offer these magazines for free distributions to assemblies and missionaries across the country. We also provide local […]
May 23 – Ireland 2017
Tuesday May 23 we started off our day with a team devotion led by Colin on living by faith. After that the team travelled to a nearby village where we had the opportunity to meet and speak with some local people and deliver the 4 You christian magazine to village homes. In the afternoon Luke […]
May 22 – Ireland 2017
Monday May 22 we had education in evangelism. Brothers Andy and Colin shared much of the wisdom they’ve learned from their time working in Ireland. We talked about sharing our personal testimonies and what we might face when doing door-to-door evangelism. Two brothers from the local assembly came for dinner, and we enjoyed a great […]